Skal der moms på fitnessbranchen?
Borgerforslag imod moms på undervisning – herunder fitness & personlig træning! Grundet en vidst noget så absurd historie som en kørelærer i Tyskland der har tabt en sag, står momsfritagelsen for undervisning i hele EU [...]
STRICT MUSCLE-UPS – Den ultimative Guide
En muscle-up er noget der både er krævende men også vildt imponerende at lære. Derfor kommer vi i denne guide til at gennemgå step by step til hvordan du lærer at lave en strict [...]
For meget Jern? – en ukendt bagside af jernindtag?
Jern-overload Første gang jeg hørte om jern-overload, altså at indtage for meget jern, var da jeg læste bogen Protein Power for ~10 år siden. Genial bog i øvrigt, der var meget foran sin tid. [...]
The rib cage, breathing and your tight left pec
One of the things I have been spending the most time and resources on education wise for the last 5-6 years is human asymmetry and why it matters. The Postural Restoration Institute out of [...]
Lessons From The 2019 CFG Clean Ladder
Here is a fun bit of learning and observation from the weightlifting event at the 2019 Reebok CrossFit Games. The event was basically a faceoff, where the athletes took turn to clean heavier and [...]
Top Lessons from the European McGill Conference
This past weekend I attended the first European McGill conference in The Netherlands. It was truly a great setup by the host, whom had arranged it all in a nice hotel with lots [...]