Forrige weekend var jeg afsted i Manchester, sammen med min ven og klient Anders, for at lære fra den gale og stærke polak Andrzej Roszkowski. Jeg mødte først Andrzej på PICP level 2, da jeg var på dette kursus for et par år siden, hos Winning Health Solutions i Southampton. Dengang var Andrzej klart den stærkeste på kurset (han brillierede med 230kg squat, med 10s excentrisk fase), og det var helt tydeligt også ham der havde mest erfaring. Senere har jeg holdt kontakten med ham, og fulgt hans træning af både ham selv og klienter. Når jeg ser efter folk der er værd at lære fra, går jeg mest op i resultater – det er lige meget hvor kloge de ser ud til at være, hvis den viden tilsyneladende aldrig munder ud i nogle resultater. Det er selvfølgelig endnu bedre hvis personerne samtidig med at lave resultater, har en god videnskabelig forklaring bag deres metoder. Når jeg siger resultater mener jeg desuden ikke med dem selv, men med en bred befolkning af blandet talentmasse. Andrzej virkede til at have den helt rigtige blanding af at være et geni og en galning i centeret, samtidig med at have nogle detaljerede og videnskabelige belæg bag hans metoder. Resultater var der også rigeligt af: Andrzej er selv for nyligt blevet Europamester i styrkeløft i WPC, 100kg open klassen, og har stået bag nogle imponerende transformationer. Da jeg spurgte ind til to af dem sendte han mig følgende tekster:
Dominique Fisher had a terrible car crash that damaged her spine to a degree that she got temporary paralysis in her leg and had to start walking again. Back In 2012 “Coach Wodyn” took the task of rehabilitating her and also getting her back in shape. It took 2 good months of 3x a week sessions to get her to perform her first squat with a 20kg empty bar. The spine problems kept reoccurring in all different shapes and forms, and sometimes required injections in the spine at a private clinic. However Dominique never gave up training and at some point her spine consultant admitted she probably wouldn’t be able to walk, if not for the muscles protecting her lower back. After 4 years of training Dominique is a Powerlifting Champion, has 4 British records (BPU, 67.5kg class Masters ) and 3 World Records ( WPC , 67.5kg Masters ) Best female RAW squat and total in UK regardless of federation (check on Neilside Barbell Website). In July 2016 she became WPC European Champion , and won best female RAW lifters awards both in Masters and in OPEN classes. She used to be obese as a child (at the age of 15 and 150cm height her bodyweight was 92kg. Now, at 43 years of age she is really lean – 13.1% bodyfat and 68kg bodyweight. She actually struggles to put on more weight now that she lifts those massive weights. Best lifts so far are 150kg squat (official), 79kg bench press (in training) 160 kg deadlift (in training) 125kg front squat. AND ANSWERING YOUR QUESTION [mit spørgsmål var til hendes diske i ryggen] Lumbar spine 1 torn 1 ruptured, Cervical spine 1 ruptured.
Daniel Grabowski jumped and landed on straight legs and the impact dislocated his vertebrae. He has seen 7 specialists out of which the first 6 said he was sentenced to a wheelchair and cannot be helped as they don’t know how. When he saw a very well respected chiropractor everything changed. Within minutes 10 months of agony was gone with a few quick spine adjustments. The chiropractor said to him that he has 2 choices in life – either strengthen the muscles that keep his spine in line, or to keep coming back for adjustments. Daniel was 16 and perhaps underestimated this warning. Few days later one false move made his back pain come back. He could walk, but after 10 minutes of walking he would faint from pain, falling unconscious on the ground. His spine had been adjusted again and Daniel realised that it cannot happen again. From now on he started working with Coach Andrzej who knew how to select the right techniques for particular injuries … and within approximately 4 months he could squat 180kg ATG, but still couldn’t jump or run without back pain though the whole structure was getting more and more solid. After 18 months he did his first comp and squatted 275kg RAW – from now on he was Superheavy Polish Champion year after year. After 6 years he became Powerlifting Junior World Champion (IPF , +125kg class ) After 8 years, in 2010 at the age of 24 he became youngest Polish Senior World Champion. In this competition he squatted 445kg (single ply). He was also the first Polish lifter who lifted 400kg, and first Polish Junior who totalled over 1000kg.